There's this girl..let's just name her AJH and she had a crush on Mr.D. They gotta know each other in a week before they went to their separete ways. She never knew if he liked her too until she got a text message from him two years later, telling her that he'd been searching for her. She didn't know what to feel but she knew she still liked him and she was glad that he liked her too. Thay started to hang out with each other when they had time and they really enjoy themselves very much. AJH liked a lot of guys and she had a lot of crush but she liked him more than anyone else. She started to think if the feelings she felt for him was LOVE or just another crush. After some time, Mr.D had to move to another country,following his parents. She thought that would be the end of everything but she was wrong. He never mentioned of breaking up and their long-distance relationships worked out well. He always called her or messaged her, to know what she was up to and stuff like that and she was happy to know that he would never change. At a time, she stopped receiving mails, e-meails, calls, and text messages from him and she felt weird. The first thing she thought was, "did anything happen to him?", "is he alright?" and the last questions that appeared in her mind was, "did he left her for another girl?". She tried contacting him and that continued for two months until he finally called and asked for her forgiveness. He kept saying,"I'm sorry for being a jerk". She was hurt and it took time to forgive but she still forgave him after three days. He didn't explain much but she never asked. Their relationship was getting better and they knew that they might have fell for each other. Suddenly, Mr.D said that he was going to leave her. AJH gave a how-dare-he-left-me-after-he-gave-me-the-sweetest-memories thought and she felt the pain. He left her without giving her a clue on what she'd done wrong but he left her this message,
Dear AJH,
I was glad that we met because you're the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life. You're charming, kind, cute, sweet, adorable and all of the other fascinating words should fell on you. You always be yourself and I never left you on how you look like. I always loved you no matter how your look is because you're always beautiful to me. I'm sorry to break your heart but we're just not meant to be together. I am sorry for everything. I'm sorry to re-appear in your life. I'm sorry that I lie to you. I don't want you to see me with your own eyes. I'm sorry. We're really not meant to be together. Never look for me again because there's no way I'll reply yours. I promise that I never reply any of yours. you can say everyhting about me but you're right. I'm a jerk and always be a jerk and I would treat you like a jerk too!Find another man and forget me.
*sigh* Did she had to go through that pain again? Why did he lie to her? Why did he appear in her life again if he just want to hurt her?What's wrong with her? Isn't she not pretty enough? Yea, she realised that she's a plump chubby girl who doesn't look great but he kept telling her that she was beautiful. Oh! That was one of his lies. How could she believe that? He had always lied to her and she just believed his lies? You're right, Mr. D is really a JERK!!!!She hates you a lot Mr. D!!
dear AJH,
u better off finding another guy who'd appriciate u
oh nadirah i tink i noe that AJH girl
u knew?
what a surprise!!
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