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Sunday, June 10, 2012


Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang.

...And here you will read my deepest thoughts.

Gyaa~ Excited giler semalam lepas seharian aku jadi cam harimau lapar. Harimau lapar? Sebab mood tengah ting tong la semalam. Alaa..bukan selalu kan? (Kwn2: Err...macam selalu jer). *Ooops* Cakap ngan orang len gune intinasi nada yang tinggi. Sori la kawan2, kalo bunyi aku cakap semalam macam nak gaduh je, tp seyes tengah emo =.='. Maaf sangat2.

Asal emo? Actually, sebab sebenar ialah, aku xleh nk tengok live matches. Demam bola kn... Asal xleh tengok? Sebab ngah final exam? Bukan sebab tuh ok. Sebabnye, TV kat kafe rosak+astro card kat bilik TV dah inactivate, sebab TV kat bilik TV baru je lepas rosak gak. Try livestreaming, tp lagging O.o. Ingatkan ade la harapan nak tgk kat TV bukan astro punye sports channel. Ye la. Dengar2 TV3 ngan NTV7 ade siar gak live matches. Sadly, not including the team that I root for. So..macam xde mkne je sebab I really want to watch their action in group matches gak.

The exciting part was, lepas aku buat aduan kat kawan aku, salah sorang ahli MKK a.k.a Majlis Kolej Kediaman, bagi die tension2 sket, malam tuh time Ned vs Den, aku pun try la usha link2 untuk streaming live vids. Gembira tak terkata lepas dapat :). Xlagging pulak tuh. Dah la nmpak one of my favourite persons jadi commentator. Screaming like hell~ haha. Tipu je. (Kwn: Ye la tuh tipu. Relieve kitorg sebab sebelum tuh memang xbrani nak tegur, takut kne marah). Bwahaha. Mereka memang jujur~! My favourite person is, Balla^^

Balla a.k.a Michael Ballack. This person has influenced my life. Miss him so much kot tapi best semalam. Excited tengok komentator. Tapi game the Netherlands vs Denmark was exciting sebab most people expected Belanda menang. And yeah. A pic of him yang sempat di print screen.

Comel je~ Bwahaha. Been a fan since I was a small kid. Anak2 die, Louis, Jordi n Emilio pun da besar. Kiut miut gak sumenye~~  Mase nk nyanyi National Anthem, tertunggu kamera smpai kat hencik Müller. Sebab he always winks. Time WC pun die wink, Bayern lwn pun. So, here goes:

And I was glad die Deutschland won the match lawan Portugal. Portugal main pun best, thumb ups from them gak. Thanks to Mario Gómez and the defense team, alaa..sume la..huhu. sebab main as a team, kn^^. Gembiraa ja aku tengok smbil makan semalam^^. Tengah jawab exam pn senyum sorang2. Bwahaha.

In case you guys missed the goal,

Go Deutschland^^!!

p/s: Wish me luck for the finals :)

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